Friday, December 31, 2010


june 17, 1991

johnny, magda, and marangeli, came to pick me up at the airport. When they took mw home and after recounting all the wierd shit that happened to me I looked at the kitchen table and there it was! A letter from Michael. The letter that I had been waiting for for so long. Last night at Carmen Violas in Puerto Rico I remembered the last two kisses he gave to me.I felt his lips again on mine last night. It made me cry silently because I didn't want Carmen Viola to hear me. I love him so much. I wonder how I will feel when I see him again or what will I do. A picture it must be old he looks so life beaten. Rough! (will he kiss me?)

Dear Julia
I'm sorry it took so long for me to write to you. Yes I'm doing ok now I would like to see you. Thank you for the picture. I really feel bad for keeping in contact with you. I just hate whe nI'm in trouble I hate calling you. I tryed to call but the phone is you know. I think about you alot. I'm ok Julia I would like to see you. I hope you are doing ok if not thats ok to I still want to see you. As you know my birthday is coming and your birthday i wold like to spend it with you I miss you Julia

Esta manana encontre uno de las docenas de journals que tengo alrerdedor en la casa. Abri la libreta y encontre estas dos entradas. El mio primero y en la siguiente pagina la carta de Michael pegada. Habia escitro en la esquina de la pagina "The letter was sent the day I left for PR". 
Pienso en todas mis relaciones y tengo un patron similar.  Hay variaciones pero con el mismo resultado. Todas mis relaciones no tienen una base en la realidad. Mejor dicho, en mi mente veo alguien totalmente distinto de lo que es en realidad. Siento que no pude salir de la etapa de adolesencia. Quizas es una exageracion. 
Tengo 48 anyos y estoy a menos empezando ver con claridad. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

es como mi voz no existia ella grito y siguio hablando no habia manera de consolarla no podia escupar las palabras que tenia en mi voca todo con ella es tolerancia tenemos que tolerar su comportamiento tenemos que estar caminado encima de juevos cuando estemos a su alrerdedor que voy hacer hago la pregunta tengo que hacer algo es el tiempo de cambiar de no estar ahogada con el silencio tiempo de hablar no tengo voz no tengo voz no tengo voz hasta que decido que si mi voz tiene importancia tiene razon la voz se tiene que ejercer tiene que ser que ser que ser que ser que ser que ser que ser que ser que ser que ser que ser que ser que 

pues asi es como me siento: no la entiendo queria gritar con ella no me estaba escuchando me faltaba el respeto en frente de mi colega de la persona que yo superviso y cuando y se cambio tan rapido cuando llego el grupo com si fuera esquizofrenica me daba miedo no por mi pero por ella gente de dinero y todo lo demas la tolera quieria decirle que no me hable asi que ela no tenia el derecho de hablarme asi tengo que leer mi libro de nuevo-Bullies for Dummies asi es como me siento como una estupida victima con mucho conflicto

Tengo que resolver esto rapido! 

Monday, November 22, 2010

Que Pasa Calabaza

Que me Pasa?
Jet Lag y un descanso tremendo
mi bis-sobrino se durmio a las 8:30pm
a las 9 yo estaba roncando
eso es lo que me dicen
Damani y Analise-mi bissobrina.

Que me Pasa?
Una inquietud.
Un momento estoy totalmente entregada
otro momento estoy con miedo de
tener que estar cuidando
a los que no se pueden cuidarse

Que me Pasa?
quiero mudarme
cambiar de casa
empezar de nuevo
empezando con
un nuevo espacio
que sentido tiene mudarse
cuando lo que es necesario
es poner mi casa en orden

Que me Pasa?
Ya no soy artista
no actuo
y esto de escribir
no se pintar ya
para que sirve
las ganas
los suenos
la angustia
cuando no lo hago

Que me Pasa?
La Vida...

Friday, November 12, 2010

Dias Despues

                                                        no lo tengo                                                      
                                           lo tengo no lo tengo                                         
hoy siento el cansancio
viajando pensando
hablando con el
con ella
una reunion aqui
una reunion alla
en la oficina
el restaurante
el teatro
en la plaza
mucho mucho
se necesita discplina
o un buen

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

El- Como Hail en la Mente
las mananas
son mas dificiles
tengo el- en la mente
no se como hacer esto
vivir esto
duda me ahoga
no confio-
en mi mismo
en la sensacion
las palabras- frases
de carino
de esperanza
miedo es el
el enemigo
mi piel vibra
y quiere escaparse
mis ojos no saben
donde enfocar
hay una tormenta de
hail, hail
pelotas imensas
pelotas en la boca
no puedo hablar
las palabras- frases
se estancan
palabras- frases
que no se puede

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

En Espanol-In Spanish except for punctuation!

Mucho tiempo ha pasado.
No he tenido el tiempo para
escribir reflejar pensar hablar
expresar amor
para mi familia, amigos
crear nuevo arte
con palabras
tijeras y pedazitos de papel
quiero pensar en espanol
lo deje por un rato
cuando tuve que salir
del barrio
cuando tuve que
dejar el trabajo con mi gente
ahora todo es indirecto
no quiero pensar
en otro lenguaje
en otra cultura
aunque sea la otra
es parte de mi
lleno de conflicto
y desesparacion
quiero quiero quiero
hablar hablar pensar pensar escribir escribir
en Espanol el otro colonizador
el otra que es parte de mi
con mucho conflicto
y tristeza
aqui en mi nuevo trabajo
english english english
en todo el arerdedor
perdona todo lo incorrecto
en mi - el hablar mi - escribir
en mi- pensar
perdona los que
no me pueden entender
perdona esta interrrupcion
intentare un mes de esto

Saturday, July 24, 2010

It seems to have all 
been standing still.
Where I left it
is a lifetime ago 
another life
everything has changed 
some things the same
I remember her 
see her in the mirror 
when I comb 
the knots out of her hair
it is unmanageable now
I see her everyday
when I massage 
the all natural complex 
honey moisturizer 
on her face
the skin is smooth 
still, it is looser than it was
10 years ago
her eyes are dark
still waking up at 5am
still tired but 
different tired
the future is shorter 
now, now 
I look at her face often
in the mirror
in the bathroom 
by the bureau
on the subway 
I look in the mirror 
I don't care 
where I take the glance
i have to look
there's not that much
time left

Friday, March 26, 2010

Lo Que Aparece y Desaparece

Opening Reception Friday, April 9 2010 5-8pm
Taller Puertorriqueño's Lorenzo Homar Gallery
2721 N. 5th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19133
(show runs from April 9 - June 5, 2010)

Lo Que Aparece y Desaparece is a mixed media print installation that explores the importance of mark making (those seen and unseen) in art, family and on the path of individuals. Lo Que Aparece y Desaparece was created by Las Gallas Artist Collective specifically for Taller Puertorriqueno’s 35th Anniversary exhibition season, The Graphic R/Evolution, and as an independent project of Philadelphia’s first international print quadrennial The Graphic Unconscious.
A mix of print techniques, including photography, screenprinting, collographs and woodcuts the exhibit explores marks themselves. How are experiences, people, places imprinted on us? How do we manipulate and recombine the artifacts of memory? What does a memory become when it begins to fade? How do we decipher marks with unknown origins? By creating an alternate reality through printmaking Las Gallas hopes to create a space to interact with these questions and the long tradition of printmaking in Latino arts.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mami graduated

Mami Graduated

Mami was the only child of 9 to graduate from high school circa 1945 in Puerto Rico. Mami told me that none of her siblings or he mother attended her graduation. Only her farther attended. Mami also told me that he sacrificed quite a bit to make sure that she had everything she needed for her graduation day;
a dress made by a friend
flowers for her hair and to pin on her dress
fashionable shoes
I don't know if he actually made her shoes because he was a zapatero. Maybe he saved or borrowed money to buy her a pair. He also had a picture taken in a studio of Mami in her graduation dress. Mami also told me how he picked her up and jumped over a puddle so her shoes wouldn't get messed up. I am not sure if this really happened, it sounds so cliche. I guess it does happen, right? 
There is quite a bit of mystery around why her family did not attend. There is no one left to confirm any of the possibilities of reasons why. I wouldn't even know where to begin to search for cousins. Maybe if she is still there, I can find my cousin Alodia in the Poconos? 

This image is the foundation for all of the work that will be in the exhibit 
"Lo Que Aparece y Desaparece".

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Lo Que Aparece 
              foto by J.Lopez

Getting ready for Las Gallas exhibit at Taller Puertorriqueno for the Philagrafika International Quadrennial of Printmaking in Philadelphia. 
I have spent a lot of time with images of Mami, Papi, and an abuelo I never met. Spending hours and hours with these images and reimagine-ing a story; stories that she told me, that he withheld and a story that I never got to hear. All have left an imprint; one that you can  see on my skin and another that is buried within. This play is one that is almost done. I wrote "Graciela" to pay tribute to Mami's struggle as a single mother, as an immigrant, and as a woman who survived domestic abuse. She defended herself from all these trials by creating a world that left a bundle of scars in her abdomen, scars that lined her uterus and electrified her brain cells. Text from "Graciela" will be incorporated in the prints that are being produced for the exhibit. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

WKM Photo Class

I am taking a digital photography class with Fernando Alvarez
at the West Kensington Ministry in Norris Square. These fotos 
came from our first assignment; Window Light Portraits. The hands belong
to my great-nephew Cameron who is 5months old:-)
Here are some shots from yesterdays classwork:

Friday, January 15, 2010

Letting Go


      Madres Altares installation detail

Letting go is the hardest thing to do. 

I cling to difficult memories as if I couldn't survive without them.
Crisis and angst were the staples of my upbringing. I often can only feel normal if there is a crisis 
at hand. I am working on a series of images for Las Gallas' upcoming exhibition at the 
Taller Puertorriqueno entitled  "Lo Que Aparece y Desaparece". 
I say this is my last works dedicated to my mother , but I can only hope that I will be able to let her go.
Let her and my memory of her be at Peace. To let go of the turmoil that fuels this creative process around my relationship with my mother who has been gone for almost 8 years. My relationship with her and other family members who disappear and appear in my life.

I am coming to realize that this is an almost impossible task. 
Here a e some pics of works in progress:


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Damani + Cameron Antonio
Hijo + Great Nephew
Just thinking
about new life
New Energy
moving forward
no matter how hard
how easy

I met Beth Nixon's
daughter today
Ida, 9months old
piercing + vibrant
blue eyes
bundled up
and strapped
to Mama Beth's back
ready to face
the cold Broad street
whooshy winds and icy air

New life
makes me happy
A baby
a new poem
a new smile on
Damani's face
Marissa's brite
dark brown eyes
as she stares
at Cameron's
new face

I got to
that every day
brings a new chance
for new life